20+ years using Skyward 

While going paperless has been an ongoing challenge for the School District of New Richmond (SDNR), families have been getting more and more used to doing business online instead of filling out paper documents. SDNR has implemented Online Enrollment, Family Access, and Fee Management to offer families the convenience of submitting forms online, accessing student information in real time, and accessing online fees.

Skyward has allowed SDNR to create efficiencies within the district by moving most processes over to the digital platform. Staff and families have appreciated being able to access fees and enroll/update student information online with Family Access, saving many hours of having to manually update the data in Skyward. Additionally, Family Access gives students and guardians real time access to their grades and attendance.

On average, the time it takes to process an Online Enrollment has decreased about 20 minutes per Enrollment Application, compared to manual entry. Since SDNR’s new enrollment coordinator processes, reviews, and verifies over 500 enrollments per year, these minutes really stack up. Using the example of a regular 7.5 hour work day, by using the online enrollment process, the time saved per year is over 166 hours or equaling over 22 days. For annual online update, time saved is about 5-10 minutes of manual entry per student. Using the example of a regular 7.5 hour work day, this calculates out to be over 14.5 days of saved work for each of our five school buildings' staff. That kind of time recoupment is a major advantage for the entire district staff.

Through the use of Online Enrollment, Family Access Online Update and Fee Management, SDNR was able to quantify the need to hire a full time enrollment coordinator, thus freeing up time for the rest of the district’s front office staff.

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