Freedom Area School District

Kathy Tennant has been using Skyward as both a regular education teacher and a special education teacher for 18 years in a classroom before working with Skyward from the administrative side for the past four. During this time, Kathy has capitalized on her previous experience, knowledge, and skills within the Skyward platform to assist teachers as a technology integration specialist, and to become the Freedom Area School Districts’ (FASD) Skyward superhero.

Prior to Kathy joining FASD, the district struggled with state and district reporting every single year. With her knowledge in Skyward coupled with her unwavering work ethic and determination, Kathy has worked diligently to correct all of the data input so that they can be confident in the information being uploaded and pulled for state and district reporting. Kathy has worked diligently to get this information streamlined and accurate. Another area Kathy was able to improve was switching to standards-based grading. At the time, FASD did not have anyone who understood Skyward enough to change the grading system to support the standards rather than traditional letter grades. Kathy did what needed to be done to ensure that not only was the Standards Based Report Cards loaded and running correctly in Skyward, but also that the teachers were confident in how to use it.

Kathy is not only a highly qualified educator but she exudes leadership in all that she does. When there is a job to be done, a new initiative, an unforeseen obstacle, FASD can always count on her to be present and to assist in any way possible. It goes without saying that leaders must be willing to serve others, and Kathy does this each and every day.

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