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Results for "security"

School Districts for Ransom

Prepare ahead of time before ransomware threats emerge. Backup data, plan for recovery, and train everyone to shore up your human firewall.

An Intro to Single Sign On Security

Find out how single sign on works as a security feature, in addition to saving time for students, teachers, K12 administrators, and staff.

Video Edtech Playbook: When Is It Time for a New SIS?

When is it time for a new SIS? When the red flags keep adding up and you are no longer on the cutting edge. Take a look to see where your district stands.

Security Drill: 3 Threats to Watch For

Security is paramount in school districts and their expanding networks. Watch for these three threats and keep yourself safe.

Future-Proof Record Retention

As technology grows and changes, data retention seems complicated. Keep the basics in mind to form a solid strategy.

7 Resolutions for Edtech in 2025

As a new calendar year dawns, it's time to pursue edtech excellence. Here are the top ways to grow in K12 edtech in 2025.


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