5 Quick Edtech Tips for Physical Safety in Schools 5 Quick Edtech Tips for Physical Safety in Schools

5 Quick Edtech Tips for Physical Safety in Schools

by Casey Thompson
Casey Thompson Casey Thompson Edtech Thought Leader
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Boost physical security in school buildings using existing edtech tools! Here are five ways you can make it happen. 

Credentials to enter 

Schools continue to limit access to those who learn or work there—and with good reasons most administrators, educators, and families can fill in for themselves. Like our digital passphrases we use to log in to restricted applications, credentials help keep out those who don’t have a vested interest in education and admit those who are ready to learn. Credentials are either something you have or something you know. While biometrics are certainly a growing part of accessing school buildings, more often credentials are something students can carry with them, like their badges or even a cell phone.  

Secure buildings are part of daily school routines. Credentials allow and restrict access as needed. 

Vetting essential visitors 

There are plenty of reasons visitors will need temporary access to the school building. In those cases, a couple high-tech tools can come in handy. First, pre-registration speeds completion of background checks to ensure people who must visit are safe people to welcome. This tool allows you to welcome individuals who have already pre-registered without going through a lengthy process at the front office. All they need is a proof of ID. 


Positive attendance for school events

When school officials know who is in the building, they have a better starting point for disaster recovery. Positive attendance kiosks (a DIY student sign-in strategy you can read more about here) set up for school events like games, dances, proms, concerts, and more, can help with head count and a general knowledge of how many students and which students are in attendance.  

Medical information management 

For students who need regular medication or life-saving interventions like Epi-pens, student information systems help keep that information available, up-to-date, and confidential. Families can rest assured their children are in good hands, and school staff never has to worry about dispensing medicine safely—while keeping the process discreet and limited to those who need it. Some schools have also added a QR code (readable only by machine) to student badges which reflect allergies and medical information when scanned.


Parent portal push notifications 

In addition to viewing grades, sharing messages with teachers, and managing student information, families can receive announcements via push notifications using parent portals. So many parents may be hard to reach during the day, but most keep their phones close by. If a crisis or urgent situation pops up, administrators can push a notification directly to families using the school’s parent portal. 


Edtech investments take on a more serious set of benefits when they can be called into active duty protecting school buildings. It’s just one layer of security schools can put in place to protect the people within. As always, best wishes for a safe, happy, and productive school year. 


Follow-up resource: Safter schools

School safety takes many forms. Explore four paths to safer schools.

Casey Thompson Casey Thompson Edtech Thought Leader
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