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Results for "security"
Is EdTech Ready for Multi-Factor Authentication?
Edtech needs the support of multifactor authentication, but are users ready for this security measure?
Budget Entry Made Easier
Here's how easy entering a budget can be with an enterprise resource planning solution.
1974: A Brief History of Student Data Privacy
Advancing K12 Blog: A lot can change in 40 years… but the guiding piece of legislation protecting the privacy of student education records hasn’t. Does your district understand FERPA? And are you doing everything necessary to keep student data secure? Watch this video to find out.
We Need You to Fight Ransomware in K12 Schools
Skyward security expert Mike Bianco, CISSP, breaks down the timeline of action before, during, and after a ransomware attack on K12 schools.
Simplify Audits with View-Only Users Accounts
When it's time to be audited, consider the option of creating a read-only account for your auditor.
Using Multifactor Authentication
Learn why MFA is so important for school districts looking to avoid data hacks and ransomware.
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