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Results for "security"

Record Health Data Using Your SIS

A student information system is much more than an online gradebook! See all you can do to make recording health information easier and more secure using an SIS.

Ditch Passwords and Use Passphrases

A strong password stands between a hacker's ransom and your district. Here's how to choose carefully (and often).

3 Skills Students Need from the School Business office

Your school business office (SBO) is a treasure trove of skills practice for K12 kids. Negotiation, financial planning, and fraud protection are all central to the business office and valuable for students.

3 Proven Ways to Defeat Fraud

Advancing K12 Blog: Imagine discovering that while you've been agonizing over pennies in the budget, hundreds or thousands of dollars were being inaccurately reported or routed to an undisclosed recipient? The sad reality is, any district can fall victim to fraud. Here are three steps that can help ensure the security of your district's funds.

Solidifying a Distance Learning Strategy

How to go about making a solid plan for remote teaching & learning.

20 Things We'll Be Into This Decade

From STEM to chronic absenteeism strategies to intervention to technology, explore 20 topics we'll be watching over the next ten years.


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